When people talk of multimedia in this day and age, they are usually referring to CD/DVD Rom packages. These use a range of types of media including text, sound, images, video and animation.
Interactive multimedia allows users some level of control over how and when the information or data on the CD Rom is presented to them. In this way it differs from linear presentation systems such as video. However, multimedia in it's purest form has been with us since we first learned to talk and point. Imagine a class room in which the teacher talks to his class and writes on a chalkboard.
This is multimedia using text and sound. If the teacher is generous enough to answer questions during his lesson then we have interactive multimedia. The teacher could just stand there and talk to his students, but chooses to use the written word to enhance his lesson and takes questions in order to ensure that his students get more information on points unclear to them.
Clarity and Interactivity. These are the driving factors behind modern multimedia. It is merely using newly available technology to enhance traditional ideals. http://bizimage.net/multimedia.html
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