Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5 Keys to Powerful Marketing

We need to make an impact and cut through the clutter.

Here are five tips to help you cement a lasting impression:

1 Give Your Marketing the "So What" Reality Check:

If you can answer "So what?"
to any of your selling points ... you need to go back to the drawing board before
you launch a campaign.

2) Make Sure the "Fluff and Substance" Are Balanced:

On one hand, if you deliver a message that's entertaining but lacks substance, you create a Red Bull adrenaline rush
with the debilitating crash. On the other hand, if you have great ideas, but bore your audience,
you lost them at hello. Make sure you have equal measure of both.

3) Don't Just Say It, Prove It: 

Is it possible, that buyers have a natural, built-in doubt mechanism, when it comes to offerings? Consider using evidence such as video testimonials, demonstrations, tours, statistics, facts, analogies and examples to help erase that doubt. Hint: proving things proactively (i.e. before someone asks you to prove it) adds to your credibility.

4) Make Your Intangibles Tangible:
Let's say your company has an awesome quality control program or your firms partners are Board Certified, you would obviously want to bring this to life.  That's where that intangible thing comes into play.   What does quality control look like? How do you flush that out? Instead of just talking about it, perhaps you could show them by taking them on a plant video tour to bring the quality control program to life. Make sense? Take a look at all the intangibles you offer and utilize multi-media to bridge the gap so your prospects can see and experience them.

5) Make It Interactive and Engaging: 

Nobody likes a lecture, so make sure your engaging and making it interactive. You make it interactive by knowing your audience and their needs. Many times we ask the same old questions and we don't sound like we are genuinely interested in knowing more.

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