Thursday, June 9, 2011

Emotional and Rational Brand Aspects

To begin the process of understanding the emotional and rational aspects of your 
organizational or personal brand.  

  1. Do you know what business you are in… and what you are not in?
  2. Is your target market well aware of what you have to offer and how you can add value?
  3. Does your strategy reflect the unique strengths of your organization?
  4. Does your strategy reflect what your organization is collectively passionate about?
  5. Do your employees have clarity on what you do, for whom and why?
  6. Can employees at all levels articulate how their job fits into the overall organization’s goals?
  7. Do you have a set of long-term and short-term goals that are specific, clear and measureable?
  8. Is a set of performance measures used to track progress against strategy?
  9. When initiatives are proposed, are they determined in light of performance gaps against strategic goals?
  10. Are individual performance objectives and measures tied to organizational goals?
     Betsy Jordan- Accelera Consulting,  Schedule appointment today to discuss results.

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